Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. Plan & UN Goals – Part 2

Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. Plan and UN Goals – Part 2


Equipping Leaders to ‘Lead like Jesus’?


by Berit Kjos, September 2005

Ken [Blanchard] has signed on to help with the Peace Plan, and he’s going to be helping train us in leadership and in how to train others to be leaders all around the world. In fact, he was here this week and I’ve asked him to just give a little video greeting.” [1]  Audio tape of Rick Warren introducing the PEACE Plan and Ken Blanchard to Saddleback Church.


“Lead like Jesus…. Give yourself a hug, for you deserve it.”[1] Ken Blanchard ‘s video response to the above introduction.


“Dear Saddleback Family… don’t miss this first encouraging message in 40 DAYS OF PEACE which begins now!!! …This week I shared part of this message in New York City where I spoke at the United Nations, and also to The Council on Foreign Relations. I love you and thank God for you! Pastor Rick.”  Group email sent on September 17, 2005. 

“Various churches and denominations claim to be undergoing ‘transformation.’ This word no longer refers to the humble sanctification of the individual believer. Rather, it now refers to an orchestrated, systemic and revolutionary overhaul of the global church, including the ‘transformation’ of cities, societies, cultures, marketplaces, and more.”[2] Lynn and Sarah Leslie.

“American Christianity is going through a second reformation,” wrote Rick Warren back in February 2003. Then he repeated his transformational theme, which sounds a lot like the “social gospel” with its presumptuous disregard for God’s unchanging Word:

“The first Reformation clarified what we believe. This reformation is all about how we act and operate in the world. It involves the key components of purpose, decentralization, lay mobilization, use of technology, and continuous learning. Churches that change are thriving and growing more effective. Churches that refuse to change will miss the reformation, and are dying.”[3]

Warren’s rousing threat has alarmed many pastors and leaders around the world. They don’t want to miss the bandwagon to success! So they join the world’s quest for popular acclaim, positive affirmations, digital data, and manipulative processes — including the psycho-social strategies pushed by UNESCO. And they look to Rick Warren rather than God’s Word to show them how to “act and operate in the world.”

The first part of this series outlined the key points of Rick Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. Plan and the UN Millennial Goals. Remember, Pastor Warren is subject to global guidelines as he functions within the structure of the UN global management system. But that’s no problem to “America’s pastor.” His “soft” version of God’s Word, avoidance of offensive truths, and tolerance for popular culture fit right in.

So, instead of shunning him as a Christian, globalist leaders court him as a useful asset. After all, they had already planned to link the world’s churches to their agenda. They needed a Pied Piper who could draw the masses into the envisioned global solidarity. Small wonder Warren was invited to speak at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on September 12 as well as to UN leaders at a UN interfaith prayer breakfast on September 13.[4]  His P.E.A.C.E. plan is a perfect vehicle for meeting UN goals:

1Was Plant churches (the focus of Part 1), now changed to: Promote Reconciliation. The purpose-driven management system, mentored by Peter Drucker, serves UN goal #8: “Develop a global partnership for development.” The two systems use the same technologies, techniques, psycho-social processes, and monitoring technology to train and monitor the “human resources” needed for change and development.
2Equip servant leaders (the focus of this article). Today’s leadership training — as you will see in this series — fits in the world as well as in the church. Church volunteers are essential to the UN quest for global solidarity.
3. Assist the poor. This matches UN Goal #1: “Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.”

4Care for the sick. This matches UN Goals #4: Reduce child mortality, #5: Improve maternal health, and #6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
5. Educate the next generation. This matches #2. Achieve universal primary education

Equipping “servant leaders”

In Part 1, you met Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda, the target country for the PEACE campaign. Apparently, Rick Warren had prepared him well for their joint “ministry” in this small, embattled nation in Africa. The president’s statement to Saddleback church last April bears repeating, for it outlines the structure for global change: “Rick and I agree,” said Kagame, “thateach partner – the church, the government, and businesses have a role to play and we are better together….”[5]  

Peter Drucker, Rick Warren’s mentor and a key architect of his purpose-driven management system, would fully agree with the three-fold alliance affirmed by President Kagame. According to the Drucker Foundation (renamed Leader to Leader Institute), the world is already divided into three sectors: public (government), private (business) and social (civil society includingchurches). Since the government sector lacks the resources needed to establish the envisioned global welfare system, the work must largely be handled by volunteers from the social sector. And, as Pastor Warren continues to remind us, only churches (primarily purpose-driven churches) are organized and equipped to meet the world’s need for servers, coaches and trainers.

Ponder these three statements from Drucker’s Leader to Leader Institute. Notice the reference to the Rockefellers, who have been funding and founding globalist, transformational and socialist programs throughout the last century:

“The Leader to Leader Institute will chart the future path for the social sector to become the equal partner of business and government in developing responsible leaders, caring citizens, and a healthy, inclusive society[This is where the small groups and dialectic process enter in]

     “The Foundation will bring the best leadership and management voices from across the world to people of the world with a focus on providing social sector organizations with the ideas and tools that enable them to better serve their customers and communities.

Packaging knowledge and experience into tools for social sector leaders in critical areas such as: fund development, marketingvolunteer management,collaborationself-assessment, innovation, and measuring results….”[6]


 “A Symposium organized by The Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, sponsored by The Rockefeller Brothers Fund [December 1996]….

“As government cuts back social spending, many people expect the social sector to absorb much of the anticipated need for services…. We are now talking about a true partnership to build community and produce people who are needed by healthy businesses and a healthy society.”[7]

Purpose-driven leaders fit right into this system of community building and human resource development. By emphasizing deeds rather than doctrine, they avoid conflict with their two partners — government and business. The fact that President Kagame, Warren’s government partner in Rwanda, works with the Clinton Global Initiative as well as with UNESCO adds secular support (as well as publicity) to their projects.[8]

According to UN treaties and declarationshumans everywhere must be trained to think collectively (in facilitated small Groups) and to follow the ground rules. These include politically correcttolerance, feeling-centered — not fact-based dialogue, and the all-important authenticity (openly “confessing” assumptions and feelings so that the group can “correct” and realign them through dialogue and consensus). Continual assessment will measure progress and compliance.

Bruce Wilkinson, author of The Prayer of Jabez and The Dream Giver, shares Rick Warren’s vision for Africa and reliance upon high tech tools for success-driven leaders. In fact, he offers his services as a “dream coach” who can provide all the strategic tools needed for success:

“Are you excited about your Dream Journey, but aren’t sure where to start? DISC and the Dream Assessment will give you the tools you need to pursue and achieve your Big Dream.
“To identify your unique personality type, DISC is a simple, effective tool that has been tested and used by millions of people worldwide. The short, online assessment helps you understand what motivates you, your personal strengths and weaknesses, and how you relate to other people…. There is a fee for the assessment…”[9]

Since Mr. Wilkinson depends on high-tech management tools rather than the Holy Spirit to fulfill his “Big Dream,” one might wonder about the source of it. Of course, he is not the only celebrated leader relying on these assessments, which happen to be based on “the proven psychological principles found within the works of Carl Jung and William Marston.”[10] Popular management guru and author, Ken Blanchard, who often provides speaking platforms for Christian leaders such as John Maxwell and Rick Warren, describes the same basic assessments on one of his websites.

Notice that the work of the Holy Spirit is not included as a factor in the DISC self-assessments. It’s designed to honor man, not God, for human strengths and accomplishments:

The Online DISC Profiler is a powerful tool that can help you significantly improve your work effectiveness. With the unique Self-Assessment and Observer Assessment, it is designed to give you a comprehensive view of how you interact with others in everyday situations. The goal is to understand your personal chemistry in order to enhance your relationships. Once you know your behavioral style characteristics, it is easy to see what drives those around you….”[11]


Ken Blanchard — P.E.A.C.E. Plan leadership trainer

Do you wonder who will actually train the leaders for the vast purpose-driven transformation of Rwanda, Africa and the world? 

Pastor Warren has chosen Ken Blanchard — “one of today’s most sought-after authors, speakers, and business consultants” [12]  — to lead the “leaders all around the world.” Co-author of The One Minute Manager and co-founder of the Center for Faithwalk Leadership, Blanchard sounds like a Christian: “After studying both the theory and practice of leadership for more than 35 years, I have found that Jesus is the greatest leadership model of all times,” he tells us on a page promoting his Lead Like Jesus Celebrations. He continues:

Lead Like Jesus will equip you, your church, and your community to experience Jesus in a powerfully different way — to grow to trust Him as the perfect leader for all time.”[13]

How will Ken Blanchard equip people to “experience Jesus in a powerfully different way”? Will he present God’s truth so that people might be convicted of sin and regenerated through the Holy Spirit?

Apparently not! Speaking “to about 2,000 leaders during the annual Southeast Christian Church Leadership Conference” last year, Mr. Blanchard echoed Warren’s philosophy: emphasizebehavior, not beliefs:

“From my standpoint, at the end of Matthew when [Jesus] says, ‘Go and make disciples,’ I think people emphasize the evangelism part of that and … forget what discipling means. It’s a follower, somebody who does what I say. As leaders you’re all influencing people’s thinking, beliefs and all. He [Jesus] has a mandate for us to be servant leaders…. People ask me if I’m interested in evangelism. I’m not. I think the next big evangelism movement will be driven by behaving differently.”[14]

Since Rebecca Barnes, editor of ChurchCentral.com, had quoted Blanchard in the above report, “Serving to lead like Jesus, she was asked by Bud Press to verify what she wrote. Ponder Ken’s response to her question:

“I spoke with Ken Blanchard… and he said he is not interested in evangelism. He quoted Ghandi, who said if everybody in the world would act like Jesus everybody in the world would want to be a Christian.”[15]

How then can Mr. Blanchard guide Rick Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. Plan goal #1: Plant churches? Without evangelism, might those “churches” be filled with unregenerated members? Would the people even know God’s revealed truths about Jesus? What kind of spirits might they “experience” if they have never heard the true gospel (including its “divisive” message of sin, judgment, redemption and victory through the cross)?

This radical departure from Jesus’ Great Commission may not surprise those who know that Mr. Blanchard serves on the Advisory Board of The Hoffman Institute (last checked on 8-26-05).Other members of the Advisory Board include –

“Joan Borysenko… Former Director of the Mind/Body Medical Institute at Harvard University… [and] the author of… Fire in the Soul: A New Psychology of Spiritual Optimism.”

“Margot Anand Larkspur… Founder of Sky Dancing Tantra International, and author of several internationally best selling books, including The Art of Sexual Ecstasy, The Art of Sexual Magic…. She has also had extensive training in Gestalt therapy….”

“Rev. Hal Milton… a Unity Minister… trained extensively in body therapies, movement education and Rolfing….”

“Claudio Naranjo… one of the early staff members at Esalen Institute… is a leading international authority on the enneagram and has authored numerous important books on consciousness including his recent The End of Patriarchy.”[16]

Occult Spirituality

This Quadrinity Process was conceived by “an American psychic”[17] named Bob HoffmanRenowned for his intuitive capacities, Hoffman was dedicated to awakening people to the awesome power of love that dwells within each of usHe believed that unconditional love was the birthright of every human being. He wrote that The SPIRITUAL SELF is the pure non-programmed, non-mediated aspect of self that is… resonating in harmony with the Universe.”[18]

That sounds decidedly New Age rather than Christian! Yet Mr. Blanchard himself claims to have benefited from this process. In a promotional endorsement at hoffmaninstitute.org, Blanchard gushes, “The Hoffman Process brings forth spiritual leadership in a person. It made my spirituality come alive.”

An interview with Raz Ingrasci, President of the Hoffman Institute, sheds more light on his faith in this New Age force:

      Ken Blanchard (KB)People are looking for some higher power to help them…..
RI: There is also the sense that when one acts in alignment with a higher power, the action is more likely to lead to both success and satisfaction….
 KB: Right….
RI: So, people bring spiritual values into their businesses first by bringing spirituality into their everyday lives…. How does the Hoffman Process help with this?
KB: “The Hoffman Process actually brings forth spiritual leadership in a person
. Since taking the Process, my title at our company has become Chief Spiritual Officer. Now, I’m working on creating a Center for Chief Spiritual Officers. …
RI: “In the Process, people shed their false selves to reveal a true and loving, noble servant within, which we call your Spiritual Self….
 KB: “Yes…. The essence is to let this spirit into your heart so you become a different person from the inside out…. It gave me a way to have my spirituality be at the center of my life.

      RI: “What importance do you find that tithing, service, or charitable giving can have in a person’s business life?
KB: “I think it is all important, it is about energy. If all you do is take energy, you’re an energy drainer. Tithing, giving back, being thankful, sends energy out and you get more energy back. John Templeton tells people that the best money practice in the world is to give 10% of what they earn away.

I can’t help but wonder what “spirit” Mr. Blanchard has “let into [his] heart.” Is he totally blind to the unbiblical nature of the “spirituality… at the center” of his life? The Quadrinity Process isincompatible with Biblical truth! In fact, Jesus died on the cross to free us from the dark forces that drive the Hoffman Process. The two are as contrary as night and day!

Yet the celebrated leadership trainer for Warren’s PEACE Plan seems to believe that the two fit together. This strange paradox reminds me of a wise statement in A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen:

“Satan is not simply trying to draw people to the dark side of a good versus evil conflict. Actually, he is trying to eradicate the gap between himself and God, between good and evil, altogether.”[20]

On the other hand, the Bible tells us, “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11

Yet, the fellowship and connections between Blanchard and New Age spirituality is twined together like a web. One of the National Board Members of Blanchard’s Lead Like Jesus is Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series.[21]  In an Interview with The Hoffman Institute, he like Ken Blanchard, exuded enthusiasm for the Hoffman Quadrinity Process:

Hoffman Institute: Your books have sold over 60,000,000 copies and you are one of the most popular speakers in America. From your perspective, what’s going on in our culture?

Mark: “We’ve got the most prosperous culture in human history and we’ve also got the biggest spiritual hole in human history…. To fill that hole you need something like the Hoffman Process, where you clean up your act and go deep inside to find out that your core essence really is important, that you do matter, and you can make a difference…. One of the places I’m encouraging absolutely everyone to go is The Hoffman Process….”

“…we were number one in the New York Times with Chicken Soup for the Sports Fan Soul. All of us have infinite potential but most of us are self-sabotaging. You need theHoffman Process to get out of a lot of your self-sabotaging behaviour.”

“I think the great livers, the people who are fully self-actualizing and alive, are the great givers. I can pick hundreds of role models, but I’ll pick three – Nelson Mandela has just given to a whole country. Mahatma Gandhi (and Mahatma of course means Great Spirit) was riddled through to the end with lots of pain, and he strove to unify and free a subcontinent….”

“As our mutual friend Dr Ken Blanchard… said ‘Feedback is the breakfast of champions.’ Everyone needs feedback and most of us don’t like it…. You have to replenish yourself individually, and we have to do it collectively, and then we have to replenish the planet.”

Hoffman Institute: “So tell me, Mark, is the Hoffman Quadrinity Process Chicken Soup for the Soul?”

Mark: “The Hoffman Quadrinity Process is a Banquet for the Soul!”[22]

Lead Like Jesus’ list of Board Members also includes Rick Warren, Bob BufordJohn Maxwell, Steve Douglass [President of Campus Crusade for Christ], Bill Hybels [Willow Creek], andLaurie Beth Jones, author of Jesus in Blue Jeans and Jesus CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership. In the latter book, she wrote:

“For me to refer to God as ‘She’ would unfortunately put this work beyond the boundaries of acceptance and understanding for too many people. We must search for an all-inclusive terminology.” (p. 305).

“Jesus regularly visualized the success of his efforts … Jesus was full of self-knowledge and self-love. His ‘I am’ statements were what he became.” (p. 7, 8)

In his endorsement of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by New Ager Deepak Chopra, Blanchard wrote, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success make wonderful guiding principles for anyone attempting to create a productive and satisfying life or human organization.” Do they? For a Christian?

“Something big is happening,” wrote Dr. Thomas Hohstadt, who also calls himself a devoted Christian. “…the way we think is changing. And — as a result — the way we believe is changing. That belief, of course, is not a different ‘Word,’ it’s a different understanding of the Word. For spirituality is converting to new sympathies. Faith is transmuting to new sensitivities. And this Spirit-birthed age is birthing new spirit!”[23]

Dr. Hohstadt is right about the transformation — but tragically deceived about God and His Word. Yet, since his summary gives us a glimpse of today’s “new thinking” and global reformation, ponder his next points:

“Even church leaders are ‘thinking’ differently. What was once a ‘subculture’ is now mainstream. What was once embarrassing is now respectable…. We are co-authors more than bystanders. Our world is more a ‘Creating’ than a ‘Creation.’… The quantum world promises we can make the Holy Spirit offers He can’t refuse.’… When our decisions and God’s will mutually move each other, the role of divine action takes on totally new meaning…. Today, our imagination is being baptized, and our windows on God’s miraculous presence are reopening.”[23]

Everything seems to be turning upside-down! Is that what this global “transformation” is all about? Leaders can claim to be a Christians and speak the Bible’s assuring affirmations — even as they dismiss the reality of absolute truth in order to follow the latest blend of feel-good spirituality, self-exalting psychology, New Age affirmations, and pragmatic psychological strategies.

Back to the Truth

Thank God for His wonderful Word! It brings us back to reality! It also reminds us that Satan is more than willing to repeat his tempting tactics age after age, for human nature doesn’t change. But in the midst of the spiritual battles, our Lord has armed us with His truth and Spirit so that we may discern deception and walk in His triumph!

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness….
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” Isaiah 5:20-21

“…the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things…”  2 Timothy 4:2-5

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ!” 2 Corinthians 2:14

Note: At the UN interfaith prayer breakfast on September 13, Rick Warren concluded with what seems to be his standard salvation prayer. He had already told the presidents, ambassadors and other distinguished attendees that God loved each one and had a purpose for them. But his message excluded the gospel. He explained neither the obstacle of sin nor the victory of the cross — the ultimate expression of our Savior’s love. Then he prayed:

     “Father… there are some here today who have been living the good life, not realizing that there is even a far better life — a life of purpose…. Forgive us for shallow living thinking only about temporary things that are on this side of eternity. I pray that today many will step across the line to a better life a life of purpose and power and peace….

     “You might want to pray to God just in your own words. It doesn’t matter what you say…. He knows your thoughts…. I’ll say something and if it represent the prayer of your heart, you just say in your mind, ‘Me, too, God.

     “Dear God. Thank you for making me, for creating me, and for loving me. I want to fulfill the purposes that you made me for. Starting today I want get to know you and love you and trust you. And I want my life to bring you pleasure. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ. Help me to understand it more. As much as I know how I want to open up my life to your love and your purpose. In your name I pray. Amen.”  [See Widening the Gate to the Kingdom]


1. http://www.saddlebackfamily.com/peace/Services/110203_high.asx. (Last accessed in July 2005. )

2. Lynn and Sarah Leslie, “What Is Transformation?” at www.crossroad.to\articles2\05\sarah-leslie\transformation.htm

3. Ministry Toolbox Saddleback Sayings (2/12/2003) at http://www.pastors.com/RWMT/?ID=89

4. http://www.sliceoflaodicea.com/archives/2005/09/update_rick_war.php and http://www.cfr.org/about/what_we_do/influential_forum.html

5. Remarks by his Excellency Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, at Saddleback Church (4-17-05) at


6. The Leader to Leader Institute Vision 2010 at http://drucker.org/about/vision.html

7. Emerging Partnerships: New Ways in a New World at http://leadertoleader.org/forms/partners.pdf

8. http://www.clintonglobalinitiative.org/home.nsf/pt_bio at http://www.clintonglobalinitiative.org/home.nsf/pt_bio

9. The Dream Assessment at http://www.thedreamgiver.com/index.cfm?PAGE_ID=105 

<size=3>10. The Strategic Assessment System at http://www.profilesglobal.com/pageloader.asp?pagename=sys_ben

11. The Online DISC Profiler at http://www.kenblanchard.com/areas/onlinedisc.cfm

12. Lead like Jesus at http://www.ccn.tv/programming/event/evt_29apr04.htm

13. Lead Like Jesus Celebrations at http://www.ccn.tv/programming/event/evt_29apr04.htm

14. Rebecca Barnes, “Ken Blanchard: Serving to lead like Jesus,” 5-20-04 at http://www.churchcentral.com/nw/s/id/19303/printable/yes/template/Article.html

15. Rebecca Barnes, “No evangelism?” at http://www.churchcentral.com/dcforum/DCForumID7/68.html

16. The Hoffman Institute – Advisory Board at http://www.hoffmaninstitute.org/about/directors-advisors/index.html

17. A Psychological De-Tox – with the Hoffman Quadrinity Process at http://www.quadrinity.com/articles/article3a.htm

18. The Negative Love Syndrome and the Quadrinity Model at http://www.hoffmaninstitute.org/process/negative-love/4.html

19. Spirituality in Business An interview with Ken Blanchard at http://www.hoffmaninstitute.org/process/negative-love/4.html

20. Ray Yungen, A Time of Departing (Silverton, OR: Lighthouse Trails Publishing Company, 2002), page 101.

21. National Board Members at www.leadlikejesus.com/templates/cusleadlikejesus/details.asp?id=21633&PID=88945&mast=

22. Hoffman Institute’s Interview with Mark Victor Hansen  

23. Dr. Thomas Hohstadt, “Something Big Is Happening” (2005) at http://www.futurechurch.net/archives_view.asp?articleid=51#N_1_

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