Average American Bob [Political Commentary]
1st Amendment Rights (Freedom of Speech)
- Attack on Easter
- School bans Christmas trees, the colors red & green
- America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President
- “One Nation Under God”
- Flour Power: Bakers Stick to Beliefs Despite Pressure
2nd Amendment Rights (Right to Bear Arms)
Abortion and Birth Control
Affirmative Action
Founding Fathers
Gay Rights
Government Programs
- Cash for Clunkers
- 33 Facts How Economy Has Tanked Under Obama
- Death of the Middle Class
- Affordable Golf Ball Act
President Obama
- Obama Observations by Jay Leno
- 33 Facts How Economy Has Tanked Under Obama
- Death of the Middle Class
- Tyranny at its best!
- Affordable Golf Ball Act
- 50 Things Barack Obama Has Done Wrong
Race Issues