


Film Review of Avatar
by Wayne Dyrness

2009 movie by Director James Cameron and distributed by 20th Century Fox World Wide box office receipts exceed 2.7 billion dollars!!!

Avatar is visually stunning and technologically creative.  However, it has major problems.   It is a great evangelistic piece for animism, i.e. the belief that all creatures and objects — even ones science regards as “inanimate” — possess a soul or personality; the belief that all things are alive in some sense.

In a very real sense, it’s also a propaganda piece for eastern mysticism, that “God” (i.e. mother earth) dwells and is in all things, i.e. “so above, so below.”   In other words, the “God within.”  James Cameron states that “the Na’vi represent something that is our higher selves, or our aspirational selves, what we would like to think we are.”

avatar tree of lifeMetaphorically, the film also presents mankind (along with its’ military complex) as “the” problem.  Here is a planet “connected” in some way with all living entities, beautiful, living in harmony.  Along comes “man” and destroys that which is good, that which is connected.

Does this theme sound familiar? Yes – it is the message of the ‘environmentalists.’    In other words, if only man weren’t here or didn’t come, there would be no problem.

The other major theme is a slam against the military and corporations, both presented as the bad guys. In regard to corporations, they are greedy and wicked, that could care less about the damage they will cause to the eco-system, let alone the needless deaths of the indigenous peoples. Only profit is important.

The military is presented as callous and cruel, mindless, only wishing to inflict as much damage and chaos possible, without care or consequence.  James Cameron acknowledges that he is highly critical of how Bush handled the Iraq war and the impersonal nature of mechanized warfare in general.  Note reference to phrase “shock and awe” that is used in the movie.

These two entities, corporations and military, are contrasted against the thoughtful, caring, sensitive, and “enlightened” and “educated” men and women of science; whose only goal and wish is to protect “mother earth.”

At its core, Avatar is a propaganda piece for the politically extreme left (which is really now the left in general), and its many factions.  It paints an unrealistic and untrue picture of corporations and military.  However, it mirrors exactly the message the political left is expounding today, i.e. corporations are the enemy; the military is evil and invades foreign lands without regard to the people who live there.

A person of faith (in particular, Christian) should be disturbed by the message this film presents, i.e. eastern mysticism (now known as New Age or Emergent) and animism is acceptable and true. This form of “soft subtle” persuasion (evangelism) is effective in that it is pushed as entertainment, and as such the normal mental filters one would use to process, evaluate, and reject this form of propaganda is bypassed.  It is a direct attack against discernment and critical thinking, neither which seem very present in today’s society, or church.  James Cameron states that “the Na’vi represent something that is our higher selves, or our aspirational selves, what we would like to think we are”

My son would be the first to say, “Dad, it’s just a movie!  Why don’t you just sit there and enjoy the film rather than over-analyze it!”  The discerning person knows that every film has an agenda.  To ignore that truth demonstrates that you are exactly the person this film is meant to target, i.e. the ones who will “just sit there” and not “think” about the message it gives.

Most people like to think of themselves as intelligent enough that they would not fall in to the trap of buying into propaganda or subtle brainwashing.  The reality is most people today have not been taught to be discerning or critical thinkers.  As a result, they do fall into this trap. The message from the left or from left-leaning education is “don’t question,” “be a team player, a team builder”  “be part of the village,”   “your leaders are much better educated and more enlightened than you,”   or “who are you to question our motives? Just sit there and be quiet.”

So what is the message or agenda of this film to you, the viewer?   There’s a few I think that stand out. First, spiritual: the church at large needs to abandon their idea that their message is unique, or even necessary.  The church at large needs to realize that we are all spiritually connected, one with another, and one with nature.  Abandoning doctrine brings unity.  Unity is all important.  Those that stand against this “unity” (i.e. cling to their doctrine) will be demonized and charged/jailed by violating new equality laws.

Second, political: much like spiritual, we are all connected together as one world family, a large community, and dependent upon each other. We need to break down the walls, the artificial boundaries that divide us.  Again, ‘unity’ is the message.

How then do we achieve this unity, this one-world government?    We focus not on the individual’s achievements or abilities, but rather on the collective or corporate. This is taking the phrase, “it takes a village to raise a child” to the extreme.  This is Socialism in action (which our current administration (Obama) and Congress is now trying to cram down your throats). Over 22 countries use the Euro as their currency, having abandoned their own.

There is movement in America to create a North American Union with Mexico and Canada and to begin using a newworld coin coin called the ‘Amero,’ in place of our respective countries currency due to the plummeting value of the U.S. dollar.

The Treasury continues to flood the world with more worthless dollars (with nothing of value to back it up) each day.  Many countries want to dump the dollar in place of the Euro. The move toward accepting the “Amero” sets the stage to accepting a world currency.

Russia’s President Medvedev in a recent G8 conference presented a sample of what could be a new world currency.  Written on one side of the coins is “Unity in Diversity.

How does one go about achieving control over the individual in favor of the corporate, or unity?

Our current administration/congress has taken over private banks, insurance companies, auto companies, etc. all in the name of “protecting the individual.”  Yet, it was the administration/congress that created the problems to begin with in order to give justification of their acts of unconstitutional seizure.  Who did they assess the blame on?  Of course, the evil corporations.   Who now has control over many of these formally private businesses?  The government.

Just a few weeks ago on December 17th, 2009 President Obama issued an executive order that allows INTERPOL to have jurisdiction in the U.S.

What does this mean? It means that we have an international police force authorized to act within  the United States that is no longer subject to 4th Amendment Search and Seizure. The “property and assets of [INTERPOL], wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation.”

INTERPOL, an international criminal police organization, is now poised to reside above the United  States Constitution – in a place of sanctity beyond our FBI, CIA, DIA, and all other criminal investigative domestic organizations.

President Obama has just placed our Constitutional rights under international law.  It won’t be long before our entire country is ceded under the control of an international government (i.e. One World Government).

By now, if you have read this far, you be asking, “Why include all of this peripheral information in your review of the movie Avatar?”

Whether you like it or not, whether you are aware of it or not, there is a concerted effort behind the scene to move us toward a world government.  I’m sure many of you reading this were totally unaware of Obama’s Dec. 17th Executive Order.   In order to accomplish this goal of one world government, your current beliefs, values, etc. need to be changed so as to embrace this move rather than reject it.   Change takes time.  That requires that all areas of your life (political beliefs, social perspective, religious values, educational training, etc.) needs to be “adjusted” (perhaps a better word is desensitized).

Movies, TV, newspaper, etc. only serve as one tool in the overall arsenal to adjust your thinking.  If you know that a movie like Avatar, for example, has an agenda (as does any marketing tool), you are more likely to exercise discernment or critical thinking skills when exposed to them and see them for what they really are, i.e. subtle propaganda tools designed to change the way you think and feel about formally held beliefs/doctrines, to condition you, to conform to the world-wide community mindset, and to accept the changes that you will be asked to embrace in the future.

If you didn’t see Avatar for what it truly is, you need to wake up and know that you are being manipulated.  Start exercising critical thinking skills.  Stop being a lemming that someday wakes up and says, “how did we get to this state of affairs,” and then has no power, will, or freedom to change things.

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