Harry Potter Overview
By Peter Lanz The story of Harry Potter is an allegory: It is written and packaged to look like fantasy when, in truth, it is a carefully written true description of the training and work of an initiate in an occult order. In every instance, everything Harry does is an extension of his belief system. His foundation is in magic through will. The concept that magick is an extension of will is a foundational occult truth and is diametrically opposed to the Christian concept of will where every born again believer’s individual will is brought into submission under Christ.
Everything that Harry learns is immediately applied to his life and practiced over and over. Harry learns that everything he thinks, says or does is an act of magick. This concept in magick is written out through the exercises that he does while at Hogwarts School for Wizardry and Witchcraft. Christians should be discipled that their belief system is the foundation of everything that they think, do and say. The fact is that everything we think, do and say is an extension of our belief system. It is dangerous to suspend our belief system when it comes to judging the value of what we give our children to “read for entertainment.”
Harry Potter is instilled with the traits of “Every Man.” There are characteristics of Harry Potter that every kid will identify with. Kids will defend Harry’s choices and actions as justifiable. The author is very successful in evoking strong sympathy and empathy for Harry in her readers. The books teach situation ethics rather than absolute values of right and wrong that are taught in the scriptures.
What is important to emphasize is that words have meaning and power. Words influence culture. It is impossible to read something and not be effected by it or learn something from it. It is not only foolish but it is also dangerous to dismiss the indoctrination of the adventures of Harry Potter with the excuse, “It’s ONLY fiction,” “it’s JUST a book,” something without a real agenda. The agenda of J. K. Rowling is very real — she is writing to instill in children a familiarity with occult truth — she just clothed it in fun.
For the non-Christian, there is nothing wrong with this story. For the Christian, what the author writes is considered an abomination by the LORD. (Deut. 18) See the following!
Harry |
The Occult |
Book 1, page 51: Harry is invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where:
A person is INVITED to join an occult order
The first book is called, “Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone.” |
Occultists use sorcerers’ stones to transmute substances from one to another. |
Book 1, page 66. Harry is informed about how much work goes into becoming a wizard and about how much there is to study. The book tittles listed, while not actual books, are significant. |
The content Harry has to study includes:
Astrology, Herbology, Astronomy (book 1, p. 133), Channeling power, how to use magick The titles of the books listed closely align to actual occult book. |
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:Book 1, page 90-94 to get to the school, people have to go through a portal and get on a train. Book 1, p. 131-133. The rooms shift places until the students can lock |
The entire school of Wizardry and Witchcraft is a creative visualization and exists on the astral plane- not on the physical plane. You can’t get to it unless you go through the portal at the train station. This is why the rooms in the school move around. See Role-Playing Games & Popular Occultism |
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is organized:
Parallels any occult order:
No one confronts the power of an Imperator. |
Harry learns how to cast spells. |
Occultists manipulate elemental spirits, demonic entities, servitors, etc., as well as circumstances and people through spells, acts of will, creative visualizations, and ritual spells for their own benefit. (destruction spells, death spells) |
Book 1, p. 114: There are four houses within the Hogwarts School: Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. |
Each one probably represents an element. Air. Earth. Water. Fire. Since Hogwarts exists on the astral plane, that takes care of the fifth element – ethers. We do not know this yet by the end of book three. |
Book 1, 66. Harry has a spell book |
Grimore — and occultist’s personal book of incantations. |
Voldemort wants the sorcerer’s stone so he can “create” a new body for himself. |
There really is a sorcerer’s stone — no comment on what it does or how it’s used — just know that it IS! |
In Harry Potter, the “will in action” is a strong theme that runs throughout the story line. |
The will in action is a direct reference tot he laws of Thelma, more specifically, the first law upon which all other laws hinge: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Nothing supersedes the will. The supreme will rules.” |
Voldemort wants the |
There really is a sorcerer’s stone – no comment on what it does or how it’s used — just know that it IS! |
In Harry Potter, the “will in |
The will in action is a direct reference to the laws of Thelema, more specifically, the first law upon which all other laws hinge: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Nothing supersedes the will. the supreme will rules.” |
Book 1, p. 53. Harry was told that his parents died in a car crass. Actually they were psychically murdered. |
In the occult world, people “die” by “accident” or “natural causes.” |
Book 1, p.164. Hedwig- Harry’s pet owl. All the students at Hogwarts get and send their messages by owl. |
Actually, Hedwig and all the other owls are familiar spirits. In the occult — familiar spirits are used to convey messages from one occultist to others. |
Book 1, p.130-133. Harry returns to his dormitory room through a “portrait hole.” The portrait asks for a password.Book 2, p. 300. The sink – another example of a portal and how to open it up. |
Portrait hole = portal – the opening between the physical plane and the astral plane through which entities move back and forth. Portals open with the correct words. |
Book 1, p. 138 and Book 3, p. 2. Harry uses a quill pen, ink and parchment paper to document his magical spells. |
Standard occult practice — all occultists learn to document their spells in the initial stages of their training. |
Book 1, p. The author gives a description of what is referred to as Quirrell’s master.Harry could see a face on the back of Quirrell’s head. Quirrell is strengthened by unicorn blood, |
This is a description of a real psychic vampire. The face says, “See what I have become, mere shadow and vapor. I have form only when I can share another’s body. But there have always been those willing to let me into their hearts and minds.” (Book 1, p. 293)Psychic vampires are real. Drinking blood is strictly forbidden in the Scriptures. |
Book 1, p. 291. “There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.” |
Power is the greatest central them in the occult world. There is no god and no devil in the occult world. There is ONLY POWER. |
Book 1, p. “Always use the proper name for things — fear of a name of anything increases fear of the thing itself.” |
Harry is being instructed in how to purge fear. All emotion, in the occult world is purged out of a person. Fear could mean death. |
Book 2, p. 20-21. Harry broke the decree for the restriction of underage wizardry because he had just done serious magick. He gets a reprimand. He does it again in book 3 when he attacks Aunt Marge. (p. 28-30) |
AKA – he broke the rules of discretion that every occultists is well aware of. Occultist NEVER break the rules of discretion. |
End of book 2 (p. 317, 322) A young girl gets possessed; you see a conjurative being that threatens to kill. Harry kills a certain conjured spirit (a snake) with a special sword. |
These passages are an indirect reference to Kaballah, the Tree of Life, the Kundalini (snake) and the Sword of Kerubum. “SELF” is the source of power. |
Book 2, p. 52 mentions a “Hand of Glory.”Book 3, p. 208. Hit Wizards. | These are references to items used in VERY NEGATIVE magick. |
Book 2 explains why Voldemort is the way he was (a psychic vampire) in book one. Harry doesn’t understand Voldemort until Dumbledore explains him. In trying to protect Harry from a psychic attack on his life by Voldemort, Harry’s mother took the attack on herself and she died. When she took on the full brunt to the attack, she absorbed most of the energy. Harry absorbed some to the knowledge of |
Rowling gives a perfect description of the difference between demons and fallen angels on the physical plane in this example of Voldemort. She writes that Voldemort once had a body, then he didn’t now he does when he attaches himself to other people. This is the way demonic entities exist in the physical world. They need a physical body in which to manifest.Angels, holy or fallen, do not need physical bodies to manifest — they can make their own bodies on the physical plane. When occultists repel a psychic attack, |
Book 2, p. 314-322. Rowlings describes an occult war: Voldemort says he’s the greatest sorcerer in the world and Harry says that Dumbldore is the greatest wizard in the world. Then a fawkes, a phoenix and a sorting hat show up to defend and fight for Harry. Voldemort gave Harry permission to use the tools Dumbledore sent him. Harry defeats Voldemort. |
Occult wars are fought on the spiritual level. This story line is straight psychic metaphor. Harry found the weakness in Voldemort’s existence and capitalized on it. There are references to items used in VERY NEGATIVE magic. |
Book 3, p. 247. The Dementor’s kiss. | Lupin explains that when dementors wish to destroy someone utterly, they suck the soul out of the person through their mouth. “You can exist without your soul, you know, as long as your brain and heart are still working.” |
Book 3, p. 250, 251. Hermione is reading a Rune translation. |
Book 3, p. 426, 427. Harry has a conversation with Dumbldore regarding saving Pettigrew’s life. Dumbledore tells Harry that when one wizard “saves another wizard’s life, it creates a bond between them. This is magic at its deepest and most impenetrable.” |
This bond and debt is called an ON in the occult world. |
Harry does not know that he can talk in the language of snakes. You get an inkling of this in books 1, page 28. When Harry has a conversation with the boa constrictor, he thinks the snake is talking English, when, in fact, it is Harry that is talking “snake.” The conversation with a snake comes up again in book 2, page 194. In a class titled “Defense Against the Dark Arts,” a snake is ready to attack one of the members of his group, Justin, and Harry tells the snake to stop. The snake obeys immediately. People were astounded that Harry could speak snake. |
Those who practice the many forms of familiar magick have the ability to communicate with animals. I.e.: horse whisperers, medicine men, etc. |
Book 3, p. 28-30. Harry attacks his aunt Marge for her disparaging comments about him and his family by placing a swelling spell on her. |
This is a psychic attack. Harry’s lightening bolt scar on his forehead is a symbol of his psychic strength. The lightening bolt is similar in nature to the occult “Sword of the Cherubim.” |
Book 3, p. 133. Harry’s class practices on a bogart to remove whatever fear they have. A bogart is an entity which morphs into whatever anyone is afraid of. It is a shape shifter and will change itself into “whatever it thinks will frighten us most.” |
Bogarts, called something else in the occult world, are real. They are used in occult training as practice for conquering fear and for perfecting their craft. |
Book 3, p. 83. Harry has a confrontation with several dementors. These creatures are similar to vampires that can suck the positive energy out of a person. They cause a person to be confronted with their own evil and what the person fears. Harry is not successful in deriving the dementors away on his own. In book 3, p. 236-237, Lupin teachers him a spell to put a barrier between him and the dementors. |
In the occult, psychic vampires are similar to dementors. They feed on the emotional energy of people. Fear is a strong emotion that dementors feed on. |
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